Who We Are
The National Women’s Council is an organisation that promotes women’s empowerment and gender equality, especially through the active participation of women in the social, economic and political fields as well as being a platform for women to voice their needs, concerns and aspirations.
Objects of the Council as per National Women’s Council Act 2016
- Promote women’s empowerment and gender equality
- Ensure and promote the active participation of women in the social, economic and political fields in order to further their overal empowerment
- Provide a platform for women to voice their needs, concerns and aspirations
Our Mission, as a non-sectarian corporate body is to work towards the social, economic, and political empowerment of women, by adopting a Gender and Development (GAD) approach. We work in partnership with other stakeholders that share the same objectives for the attainment of gender equality.
Our Vision is that of a Republic of Mauritius where all women and men have equal rights and opportunities to shape society and their own live. We work towards the promotion of women’s empowerment for the attainment of gender equality.
Board Members
Mrs Sooma Devi Vencatagadoo
National Women’s Council
Mrs. Neeru Devi Goolooa
Deputy Permanent Secretary
Representative of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Welfare
Miss Patricia Melanie Rebecca Docile
Representative of the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development
Mrs Savitree Coonjan
Representative of Plaines Wilhems Regional Committee
Mrs Beebee Nasime Banon Mungly
Representative of Savanne Regional Committee
Mrs Ushabye Ramjee
Representative of Moka Regional Committee
Mrs. Claudinette Fong Him
Representative of Rodrigues Regional Committee
Mrs Dunisa Jootun
Independent Member
Mrs Bibi Nazima Peroo
Independent Member
Mrs Nalini Gaiqui
Independent Member
Mrs Marie Joelle Granny Jaggoo
Independent Member
Sections of the Council
(i) Senior Staff
Mrs. N. D. Jugnauth Naeck
2173740 (Ext 1)
Administrative Section
Mrs. M. D. Luchoomun
Senior Human Resource Officer
by 2173740 (Ext 203)
Mrs. S. Sewtohul
Accounts Officer
2173740 (Ext 205)
Technical Section
Mrs. B. Balgobin
Programme Coordinator
Women’s Association Unit and Projects
2173740 (Ext 202)
Mrs. S. Beekoo
2173740 (Ext 218)
Mrs. C. Ramgoolam
2173740 (Ext 218)
Mrs. L. S. Menelas
Resource Person
Adult Literacy Programme
2173740 (Ext 230)
(ii)Technical Sections
Project Unit
The Project Unit has the responsibility to:
- Identify,
- Formulate, and
- Implement projects for women’s empowerment and gender equality
- Adult Literacy Programme (See More)
- Caravane: Service de Proximité (See More)
Dressmaking and Related Craft Unit
The above unit conducts training in dressmaking, embroidery and related crafts (See More)
Women's Association Unit
The Women’s Association Unit was set up to encourage women to:
- Regroup themselves into women’s associations
- Disseminate information on women’s rights issues
- promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE)